You can link your items in many places in the game, like Chat, Forum, Whispers, etc. In this guide, we will explore where you can link your items. Along with that, we’ll also discuss how to link the items and share them. First, let’s start with where you can link the items you have in your inventory and the procedure to do it.

If you want to show the items in your inventory to your friends, linking items is the ideal way. You can also link items from the Stash Tabs but not from the Guild Stash. You need to transfer items from the Guild Stash to your inventory first. So, let’s talk about where you can link your items and how to do it.

Local Chat

In local chat, you can communicate with other players in your nearby area. You can link your inventory items in local chat by following these steps. This will link your item to the local chat, and players can see the item you want to share with the players nearby you.

Global Chat

Another chat option that you can link your item to is Global Chat. In this chat, you can communicate with all the players within your league only. You can follow the same steps as in Local Chat after opening the game. If you want to share with a specific number of players, you can use Party Chat mentioned after this heading.

Party Chat

Party Chat enables you to chat with players you are playing with as a party. You can share your inventory items with your party friends. Also, they can see the stats of the item you shared or linked. Here’s how you can share your items in Party Chat. If your friends want to see the stats of the item, they can just take the mouse key over the name of the item you shared.

Whisper Chat

You can use this chat option to communicate with a single player. To do this, you can follow the same procedure as Local Chat. But, instead of going to Local Chat, go to the “Whisper” tab. Other steps are the same, and then you can link the item to Whisper chat for a single player.

Trade Chat

In the Trade chat option, you can link the items for trading purposes. You can trade your item with another item or you can buy/sell items. You can state your purpose by typing WTT, WTB, or WTS which means Want to Trade, Buy and Sell respectively. But first, it’s important to link items for trading or buying/selling. The steps for are the same this chat as Local chat. The only difference is you have to go to the “Trade” tab and the other steps are the same.

Guild Chat

Guild chat is for communication with the players in the same guild as you. You can link the specific item in the “Guild” tab in the chat window. Then hold “Ctrl + Alt” on your keyboard and left-click on the item.


Not only can you link your items in-game but also out of the game. You can do this in the forum of the official webpage of the game. You can link your items in the “Trading” to sell, buy or trade the items. For this, you need to first open the official page of Path of Exile and then you can follow these steps. After this, your item(s) will be linked to the forum.

How To Link Items In Path Of Exile  PoE  - 31How To Link Items In Path Of Exile  PoE  - 68How To Link Items In Path Of Exile  PoE  - 39How To Link Items In Path Of Exile  PoE  - 58How To Link Items In Path Of Exile  PoE  - 22How To Link Items In Path Of Exile  PoE  - 5